Frequently asked questions
We tried to answer the most popular questions about the service. If you do not find the answer, we will be happy to answer you by mail.
TopUp (Reseller Web interface)
  1. Go to the "Topup" page in left menu
  2. Search target customer for topup by ID (email or mobile number without prefix)
  3. After entering the ID of the target customer, the following entry appears with the name, mobile number and account number of target customer
  4. Input total amount to pay, choose currency and press "Continue"
  5. Press continue, after you can see actual Fee below, and field to input security code below
  6. Input security code, and press "Confirm"

Withdraw (Reseller Web interface)
  1. Go to "Withdraw" page in the left menu
  2. Search target customer to withdraw funds by ID (email or mobile number without prefix)
  3. After entering the ID of the target customer, the following entry appears with the name, mobile number and account number of target customer
  4. Select a currency
  5. Input withdraw amount and press "Continue"
  6. Input security code and press confirm
SendCash (Reseller Web interface)
  1. Go to "Money transfer" page in the left menu
  2. Input sender ID, you can search by email or mobile number (without prefix),After entering the ID of the target sender, the following entry appears with the name, mobile number and account number of target sender
  3. Select "Send cash" as Transfer method and press "Confirm"
  4. Input receiver ID, you can search by email or mobile number (without prefix),
    After entering the ID of the target receiver, the following entry appears with the name
    and date of birth
  5. Input amount to send and select currency
  6. Next step you will get the target recipient amount and his currency
  7. Enter Security code and press "Confirm"

Mobile Money Transfer (Reseller Web interface)
  1. Go to "Money transfer" page in the left menu
  2. Choose "Mobile Money Transfer" option in left menu
  3. Input sender ID, you can search by email or mobile number (without prefix),
    After entering the ID of the target sender, the following entry appears with the name,
    mobile number and account number of target sender
  4. Select "TransferTo" as Transfer method and press Confirm
  5. Input receiver Mobile number Prefix and Mobile number and Mobile wallet provider
  6. Input receiver "Name", "Surname" and E-mail adress. Press Confirm
  7. Enter value that recipient will get and currency with which you will pay and press Submit

Airtime Transfer (Reseller Web interface)
  1. Go to "Money transfer" page in the left menu
  2. Input sender ID, you can search by email or mobile number (without prefix), After entering the ID of the target sender, the following entry appears with the name, mobile number and account number of target sender
  3. Select "Airtime" as Transfer method and press Confirm
  4. Input receiver "Name" field
  5. Input receiver Mobile number prefix and Mobile number and press Confirm
  6. Select value that recipient will get and currency with which you will pay and press Submi

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money transfer you send?
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